Woman with her dog talking about self-acceptance

What My Dog Taught Me About Self-Acceptance

“Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or…
mental health

How Forgiving Yourself and Others Changes Your Brain

“Be quick to forgive, because we’re all walking wounded.”…
woman waiting

The Power of Waiting

“Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty…
woman in nature

Why We Resist Change

One reason that people resist change is because they focus on…
team meeting

It’s Okay to “Fail” on Your Way to Finding What You Want to Do

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating…
woman practicing self-acceptance

4 Things I Needed to Accept When I Was in Transition and Felt Insecure

“Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing…
man listening to podcasts about mental health

15 Podcasts to Listen to on Your Work Commute

I never thought I’d ever become a podcast person. No images?…
group of people working to improve their relationship and mental health

Developing This Character Trait Will Improve Your Mental Health, Relationships and World View

It's safe to say that this time last year, many of us experienced…
relaxing by the fire

31 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Setting Next Year’s Goals

You can find more purpose and happiness at work and in life by…
family taking photo

10 Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me When I was 18

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know…
goal setting

A New Way to Make Hard Decisions

Do you consider yourself a decisive person? Or, do you struggle…
pursuing dreams

4-Step Formula to Pursuing Your Dreams

When I was 26, I was fumbling through life in different jobs…
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