Couples, Relationship, and Marriage Counseling in Milwaukee

Peaceful happy couple because they sought couples counseling from Hillary Counseling in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

“Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen. To ask for what you need. To talk about how you’re feeling. To have the hard conversations.”

– Brene Brown

Counseling for Relationships in All Stages

By the time most of us make the call for help with our relationship we are further down the road than we ever thought we would be. It can be heart breaking. You fall in love and do your best to build a life that you can enjoy together and hope that everything is going to be okay. If only it were that simple. The time is now to make it better.

Whether you are at a crossroads in your relationship or tired of having the same argument over and over about things that seem to have no solution…It is not too late.

We provide relationship counseling for individuals in a new relationship, considering marriage (pre-marital counseling), or who have been married for several years. We also specialize in intercultural counseling and interracial counseling.

After an initial meeting with you and your partner, we will create a plan that tailors each session to your specific needs and individual personalities.

How we can help:

  • Premarital Counseling
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Intercultural Counseling
  • Interracial Counseling
  • Gottman Method Couples Counseling
  • Divorce Counseling

Our sessions teach usable skills that include:

  • Improving communication and conflict resolution
  • Exploring strengths and growth areas for both individuals and the relationship
  • Re-establishing emotional and sexual intimacy
  • Developing and strengthening healthy boundaries
  • Preparing for marriage and starting a family
  • Developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of yourself and your significant other
  • Exploring issues regarding finances, parenting, and in-laws
  • Working through often avoided “hot topics”
  • Preventing bad patterns
  • Examining romantic closeness through sex and physical intimacy
  • Effects of cultural differences that are related to: race, country of origin, family of origin, relationship roles

Ultimately, these skills are based on the “Gottman Method Couples Counseling.” They are designed to strengthen your relationship, rebuild your connection and restore the joy you both once felt.

Do you live outside of Milwaukee?

If you’re located in Madison, Oshkosh, LaCrosse, Appleton, Wisconsin and beyond, we would love to talk about working with you through our online therapy services. Contact us today.

Have a question? Ready to schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation?